
If you are missing an envelope in your packet please come to the office to pick one up and if you are not in the park please call the office for instructions! 
6400 TAYLOR RD UNIT# 112                              
TEL (941) 639-7000 ~ FAX (941) 575-8913
Email:  info@alligatorpark.com

55+ Community
Summer Office Hours 
Property Manager - 8:00am - 4:30pm 
Monday - Friday
Controller and Guest Services 8:00am - 2:00pm
Closed Saturdays
Season Office Hours 
Monday - Friday
8am - 2pm 
Call for reservations 
(941) 639-7000
Current Off -Season Rates: 
$70.00 nightly 
Current Season Rates:
$80.00 nightly
  Click Here to see what you are missing at Alligator Park!
Official Information
Topic: Finance Committee

Time: Feb 27, 2025 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting
Dial by your location
• +1 305 224 1968 US
• +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

Office Information
Property Manager: Ron MacBaen, LCAM
Guest Services: Karrie Kniceley
Full - Charge Bookkeeper/Controller: Jennifer Bushnell
The office is open
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m
Please call ahead to make an appointment so we can better serve you
In order to receive emails from the Park, and resident access you will need to register with this website.  Please click on Register and set up your account.
Selling Your Place?
If your lot has a structure on it that is part of the sale, you must use a closing agent. If you are selling a lot with no structure on it, you can handle the transaction yourself if you wish.
  • Regardless of whether or not you use a closing agent, you will need an Estoppel as part of the closing documents. An Estoppel shows: Any current and/or ongoing expenses (such as maintenance fees) due to Alligator Park.
  • Special assessments for your property due to Alligator Park.
  • Past-due amounts payable to Alligator Park. Any amount in arrears must be settled before or at the time of closing.
  • Unresolved violations.
Please keep in mind that we must show any expected expenses that may occur during the “effective period” of the Estoppel. The effective period begins when the Estoppel is issued and ends when the sale is closed. If the first of the month falls during the effective period, that month’s maintenance fee will show as money due the Park unless you pay the maintenance fee in advance.
The Estoppel can be requested by either the closing agent or shareholder, whoever is handling the sale of the property. The Estoppel will not be issued until we receive a copy of the signed sales contract and the closing date has been set. A $299.00 fee will be charged for preparing an Estoppel and it will be available ten (10) business days after the request is submitted. If one is needed in three (3) business days or less an additional $119.00 fee will be added.
To request an Estoppel, contact Jennifer Bushnell at 941-639-7000 or by email at alligator-bookkeeper@comcast.net. Be sure to enter your name, address and phone number in the email request.
Odds & Ends To Know
Direct TV Coordinates - 220 degrees N 48-50 degrees Elevation
WI-FI - Select the Alligator Guest service on your device, then use the password  welcome2024.
Upcoming Park Events
No Events at this time.
Alligator Park, A Possible Future
For a while now, our Planning Committee has been polling both residents and guests for ideas about how to improve the recreational facilities at Alligator Park. Johnson Engineering of Fort Myers FL recently presented renderings of design plans they have created to show some of these ideas in place. Please keep in mind that at this stage these are concepts about what could be done.  We have not yet proceeded with any construction plans. 
Punta Gorda Calendar & Events
Click Here for Punta Gorda's Chamber of Commerce Calendar & Events